Our Movement Principles

Our mission is to build a powerful, trans-led movement standing up for freedom, justice, and equality for all trans and gender diverse people.

We are working together with our loved ones and allies to bring about a future where all trans people are safe, celebrated, and free.

Our nine movement principles layout the most important elements of the strategy and culture of the Trans Justice Project.

We ask that any group or individual seeking to be added to our network map aligns themselves with these principles.

Our movement is led by trans and gender diverse people. But building the power that we need to create real change will require thousands of allies to take action alongside us.

Whether you are a parent, a loved one, a friend, or an ally, we welcome and encourage you to run a local group, participate in actions, and to join our campaigns.

The powers that be try to turn us against each other based on our race, where we were born, what’s in our wallets, or our genders. They exploit divisions and fears among us so they can get and hold onto power, denying us the basic protections, resources, and respect that all people deserve.

We work to push back against the politics of fear by boldly organising in our communities, calling out the agenda of those in power, and by standing in solidarity with other movements that fight for freedom, justice, and equality for all.

To build a powerful movement we need to engage, empower, and activate as many people as possible. We focus on listening, building relationships, and having conversations with people in our communities. We educate and inspire the public, share our stories, and move people to action – organising our schools, workplaces, and places of worship.

We take bold action as one united, national movement because we are more powerful when we work together. We make sure we’re all on the same page when it comes to our strategy, demands, and messages so that we speak with one voice.

We value leadership that brings people together, moves people to action, and supports others to grow. We believe that celebrating others, creating a positive team culture, and prioritising action, are essential to sustaining ourselves and creating impact.

Movements are most effective at building popular support when they remain largely non-violent. The systems we live under are violent but we cannot win by responding in kind to the violence, harassment, and threats of our opponents.

Instead we combat their hate by organising our communities, building our power, and winning over the public to create long-term change. We don’t support threats, violence, or the harassment of anyone, either online or in-person.

We take responsibility knowing that our actions will impact and reflect on everyone else in this movement.

All of our political leaders and parties, regardless of their political leaning or affiliations, should support our community’s right to thrive.

We will hold leaders accountable for their policies, words, and actions, but do not tell anyone who to, or who not to, vote for.

Standing up for our right to exist can be exhausting and heart-breaking. We take regular breaks, check-in on each other, and debrief after doing hard things.

Everyone is on their own learning journey. To build a large and inclusive movement we take people where they are at, recognising that everyone brings unique skills, talents, and perspectives.

We encourage each other to be open to considering feedback, hearing when their actions or words have hurt someone else, and to respond appropriately.

We are commit to unlearning and undoing the systems of oppression that impact our communities, be they white supremacy, patriarchy, or colonialism.