Write to RANZCP: Protect Trans Health Care

Everyone deserves access to high-quality, evidence-based health care.

But right now trans health care is under attack.

In May the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists [RANZCP] platformed an anti-trans lobby group at their annual conference.

SEGM is not a recognised scientific organisation. It has published material critical of accepted practices of gender-affirming care, supports pathologising theories about trans people that are not recognised by any major Australian medical organisation, does not have collaborative relationships with any major LGBTSBQIA+ representative body in Australia, and has been critical of protecting trans people under bans on conversion practices.

The platforming of an anti-trans lobby group by RANZCP, the organisation which promotes clinical standards for Australia and New Zealand, is incredibly concerning and raises serious questions about the integrity of the College.

During the session a flyer was distributed to participants. This flyer encouraged them to sign onto an open letter calling for the restriction of gender-affirming care in Australia, a position that directly conflicts with the existing body of evidence and Australian clinical guidelines.

We have seen how damaging the infiltration of legitimate health care spaces by anti-trans lobby groups has been for our community in the US and UK. We cannot allow that to happen here.

Help protect trans health care. Send an email now calling on RANZCP to make a public commitment to prevent anti-trans lobby groups from presenting at all future RANZCP events. 

Together we can send a clear message that it should be trans health experts, clinicians, and trans community members that lead decisions around trans health care, not anti-trans lobby groups.

Writing Tips
1. Personalise the email and subject line. This will make it more likely that it gets read and considered.
2. Explain why this issue is important to you personally.
3. Be polite but firm. Do not use abusive or threatening language.
4. Only share what you are comfortable with, it is possible that your email could be made public.

More information

Gender-affirming care gives trans and gender diverse people the freedom to be themselves, and to live full, happy, and healthy lives. It is a patient-centered model of care that treats trans people with the dignity and respect they deserve.

The largest ever study of trans Americans with a sample size of 92,329 people found that 98% of respondents who were currently receiving hormone treatment reported that receiving hormones for their gender identity/transition made them either “a lot more satisfied” [84%] or “a little more satisfied” [14%] with their life.

Gender-affirming care enjoys wide support in Australia and internationally with organisations such as Australian Medical Association, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the Endocrine Society of Australia, the Australian Psychological Society, and even the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists all producing statements in support of gender-affirming care.

However, this life-changing, and in many cases life-saving, health care has come under attack from anti-trans lobbyists who want to take away our ability to make decisions about our own bodies and care.

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists [RANZCP] is a membership based organisation that makes representation to government on behalf of the sector, promotes clinical guidelines, and offers training and accreditation.

Psychiatry has always had a tense relationship with the LGBTQIA+ community because of the ways in which both sexual and gender diversity has been pathologised.

However, RANZCP has worked hard to rebuild trust. They have made statements in support of the trans community, supported non-discriminatory treatment of the LGBTSBQIA+ community, and even made a submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission about the emerging threats to trans and gender diverse people.

This is why the choice to platform SEGM is so shockingly hypocritical. It puts the credibility of RANZCP at risk while also compromising the wellbeing of our community.

SEGM is not a recognised scientific organisation. It has published material critical of accepted practices of gender-affirming care, supports pathologising theories about trans people that are not recognised by any major Australian medical organisation, does not have collaborative relationships with any major LGBTSBQIA+ representative body in Australia, and has been critical of protecting trans people under bans on conversion practices.

A number of SEGM members served as advisors on the UK’s flawed Cass Review, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis even appointed a past SEGM member, Patrick Hunter, to the Florida Board of Medicine – a state that has since banned gender-affirming care for minors and adults.

Prior to the conference a number of community groups, medical organisations, experts, and members involved in the organising of the Congress raised grave concerns about SEGM’s involvement in the conference. This included a letter signed by 50 psychiatrists and trainees that was sent to the Board.

Despite this, the session was not removed or, to our knowledge, amended.

Support the Trans Justice Project

The Trans Justice Project is the first, trans-led, national campaigning organisation. Our mission is to build a powerful, trans-led movement standing up for freedom, justice, and equality for all trans and gender diverse people. We are funded mostly by community donations.

Consider chipping in $8 dollars to support us to continue our urgent work.