#1 Sign on to our statement of solidarity

Join the 65+ organisations who have committed to standing with the trans community and against the attacks on our rights, lives, and health care.

If you are a member of any organisation, big or small, send this letter to them and ask them to sign on in support. If every organisation and individual that stands against hate signs on, then we can show that the vast majority of Australians stand with the trans community having the same rights and freedoms as everyone else.

Add your name, either as an individual or on behalf of an organisation, to state your solidarity with the trans community.

#2 Make a public statement of support

Make a public statement of support via email or on your social media. Simple acts like this help to show that your organisation stands in solidarity with trans community.

For example:

“This Transgender Awareness Week we are showing our support for our trans and gender diverse colleagues, their families, and loved ones by supporting @transjusticeau Statement of Solidarity with the trans community.

We stand alongside the trans and gender diverse community and support their right to have the freedom to be themselves, to feel safe in their communities, and to be able to build a good life, free from hatred, violence and discrimination. ”

Local councils could also consider passing a resolution of support.

“That trans people deserve the freedom to be themselves, have the right to feel safe in their communities, and to be able to build good lives, free from hatred, violence and discrimination.

In acknowledgement of Transgender Awareness Week and the increased attacks on trans and gender diverse people in our community, we resolve to add this council’s support behind the Trans Justice Project’s Statement of Solidarity and commit to standing alongside the trans community against the attacks on their rights, lives, and care.”

You can find social media tiles, our logo, and a template email here.

#3 Attend and/or promote an event

Conversations for Trans Justice – Free Webinar
21st Nov – 7:00pm AEDT – Online

This online training will teach you how to talk to your friends, family, and coworkers about trans justice, how to challenge disinformation, and gain strategies and resources you can use to educate those in your community.

Trans Day of Resistance Rallies
25th Nov – Sydney | Brisbane

We invite and encourage all queer and trans people, their friends, families, allies and accomplices to join us in a rebuke of discrimination and vilification, and take a stand for trans rights, liberation and life.

Trans Day of Remembrance Vigil Melbourne
20th Nov – 5:00pm AEDT

Each year we observe Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) to honour the memory of transgender people whose lives have been lost in acts of anti-trans violence, and due to discrimination and stigma.

Trans Day of Remembrance Vigil Sydney
20th Nov – 7:00pm AEDT

Gathering of the NSW trans, gender diverse and non-binary community and allies to commemorate and remember those we have lost in 2023.

Trans Day of Remembrance Vigil Perth
20th Nov – 6:30pm AWST

TransFolk is inviting all Trans and Gender Diverse people, their families, friends and allies to a candlelight vigil on the evening of International Transgender Day of Remembrance.

To find a larger list of events go to: https://www.tdor.org.au/

#4 Donate to a trans organisation

When trans people are being discussed in the media we see an increase in demand for support services. This puts a huge strain on our organisations. You can help by supporting one of the organisations below:

Organisations that support Brotherboys and Sistergirls*

*First Nations trans and gender diverse communities

Trans-led organisations/projects

#5 Support our crowdfunder

We have just launched a crowdfunder to help us kickstart Disinfo Watch – a new, cutting-edge campaign to expose the lies, undermine the influence, and challenge the social licence of the anti-trans lobby.

You can help by promoting the crowdfunder, sharing it through your networks, or chipping in to help us reach our goal.

By |Published On: October 24, 2023|

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