Protect Trans Youth National Day of Action

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Queensland Media Release
National Media Release

Join the National Day of Action

Join us to demand the Queensland government reinstate care for trans youth, and make gender-affirming care accessible and affordable for everyone who needs it.

The banning of hormone therapy by Health Minister Tim Nicholls is a politically motivated attack that undermines the right of trans youth to grow up happy, healthy, and with the freedom to be themselves.

The Minister’s decision will halt vital, evidence-based healthcare for 491 young people and their families – many who have been on the waiting list for months, and even years.

This affects all of us. Governments cannot be allowed to ban vital, evidence-based healthcare solely on the basis of their political beliefs.

By taking to the streets across the country we can pressure the Queensland government to reverse the ban, stop the attacks on trans youth, and protect access to this life-changing and life-saving health care.

Help make these events colourful and fun. Bring flags, banners, streamers, and signs. Everyone is welcome.

Scroll down for a list of events.

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Full list of endorsements

  1. 4ZZZ
  2. Acceptance Perth LGBTQ+ Catholics
  3. ACT Greens
  4. Albany Pride
  5. ALMA
  6. Amnesty International
  7. Ariana Sexology
  8. Aussie Wild Nature Discovery
  9. Australian Lawyers for Human Rights
  10. Australian Medical Student Association
  11. Australian Rainbow Veterinarians and Allies
  12. Australian Youth Climate Coalition
  13. Barbra Borrowing
  14. Bearfoot Theatre 
  15. BrickNetty
  16. Bright Quest Consulting
  17. Brisbane Pride
  18. Brisbane Pride Choir
  19. Brooke Shelton – perinatal, child and family therapy 
  20. Buddhas Buddhas Buddhas
  21. Buss
  22. Cairns and Far North Environment Centre
  23. Cambray Consulting Pty Ltd
  24. Capital Chemist Southlands
  25. Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney 
  26. Coffs Coast Gender Alliance
  27. Common Cause Australia
  28. Community Legal Centres NSW
  29. Cr Paige Johnson – Newcastle Labor
  30. Cred Consulting
  31. Deadly Sports Plus Aboriginal Corporation 
  32. Democracy in Colour
  33. Dowson Turco Lawyers
  34. Dykes on Bikes Melbourne
  35. Dys4ick
  36. East Canberra General Practice
  37. Environment Victoria
  38. Equality Australia
  39. Equality Tasmania
  40. Ethan Kristy
  41. Euphoria Social
  42. Evolution Speech Pathology
  43. Feisty Dame Productions Pty Ltd
  44. Flinders University Queer Collective
  45. FNQ Queer Events 
  46. Fremantle Clinical Psychology and Counselling
  47. Friends of the Earth Australia
  48. Gateway Health
  49. Gay Dads WA
  51. Give It To Me Bi
  52. Goulburn Valley Pride
  53. Griffith University
  54. Harvey Consulting
  55. Haven Psychology Centre Pty Ltd
  56. Higher Education Australia Pride Practitioners WA (HEAPPS)
  57. Hold the Hope counselling 
  58. Human Rights Law Centre
  59. Hunter Gender Alliance 
  60. Illawarra Shoalhaven Gender Alliance
  61. Inclusive Rainbow Voices
  62. Independent
  63. Inktricate tattoo
  64. Inner West Roller Derby League
  65. International Non Binary Day Meanjin
  66. intertwine
  67. JOY Media
  68. Lionheart, The Label
  69. Little Window Counselling, Psychology & Wellness
  70. Lover Fighter Scribe
  71. McAuley Community for Women 
  72. Melbourne University Law Student Society – Queer Portfolio 
  73. National Tertiary Education Union (NSW Division)
  74. New Leaf Social Work
  75. Niram EMDR and Trauma Counselling 
  76. Non Gendered Fitness
  77. Not Normal Counselling 
  78. NSW Trans and Gender Diverse Criminal Justice System Advisory Council
  79. Nurtured Intimacy 
  80. OutStanding LGBTQIA+ Short Story Competition
  81. Pedal Set Go
  82. People with Disability Australia
  83. Perth Inner City Youth Service
  84. PFLAG+ Cairns
  85. Pride Cup
  86. Pride Football Australia
  87. Pride in Law
  88. Proud 2 Play
  89. Proud Disability Services
  90. PTYE (Parents for Trans Youth Equity)
  91. QTrans
  92. QTU
  93. Queensland Young Greens
  94. Queer Family Inc
  95. Queer Greens Victoria
  96. Queer Move
  97. QueersInScience
  98. Rabble Books & Games
  99. Rainbodhi LGBTQI+ Buddhist Community
  100. Rainbow Affinity 
  101. Rainbow Cricket Geelong 
  102. Rainbow Cumberland
  103. Rainbow Futures WA
  104. Rainbow Hub Psychology
  105. Renters And Housing Union
  106. SA Rainbow Advocacy Alliance
  107. SA Unions
  108. Self employed 
  109. Sexology North Queensland
  110. Silver Eye Media
  111. Smiling Mind
  112. Society of Australian Sexologists
  113. Sock Drawer Heroes
  114. Sorcha Conlan Therapeutic Services
  115. South Australian Grassroots Ecosystem
  116. Southern Lights Ice Hockey 
  117. Spanish and Latin American Studies, University of Sydney
  118. St Vincent’s Public Hospital Melbourne
  119. Stand Up Events Melbourne Inc.
  120. Stonewall Medical Centre
  121. Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health
  122. Sunshine Counselling
  123. Switchboard
  124. Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras
  125. Sydney University Student Representative Council 
  126. T Gen Gyms 
  127. Tamworth Pride Inc
  128. Tanya Elizabeth Therapy
  129. Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS)
  130. The Affirm Group | Allied Health 
  131. The Bookshop Darlinghurst
  132. The Flying Bats Football Club
  133. The Greens NSW
  134. The Iceberg Foundation
  135. The Markets Wanniassa
  136. The Shed
  137. The SLAY Project
  138. The Veterinary Kaleidoscope
  139. Tomorrow Movement
  140. Trans Justice Canberra
  141. Trans Sisters United
  142. Trans Wellbeing
  144. Transfamily Incorporated
  145. Transfolk WA
  146. Transgender Victoria
  147. Twenty10
  148. Uniting Vic.Tas
  149. Victorian Greens
  150. West End Uniting Churxh
  151. What Were You Wearing Australia
  152. Wildlife Highways Pty Ltd
  153. Working Women’s Centre Australia
  154. Wyong Neighbourhood Centre Inc.
  155. Your Community Health
  156. Youth Law Australia
  157. Youth Pride Network
  158. Zoe Belle Gender Collective

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